How To Get Rid Of Bedbugs In Your House

get rid of bed bugs in your house

The resurgence of bedbugs in Dubai homes has caused many a sleepless night. Their sight can even send you into panic mode. However, dont get afraid. There are various methods you can use to eliminate the bedbugs. Depending on the infestation level, you can do it yourself, but the methods may not work if the infestation is rampant.

Controlling Bedbugs is complex and can take weeks to months, depending on the infestations nature and extent. These wingless pests can live longer without food when they are in cooler environments. They feed on human blood while humans are asleep, so it would be difficult to notice their infestation.

Where Do Bedbugs Come From

Since bedbugs can be found in any location where humans congregate, it is no mystery how bedbugs are spread from place to place. Humans have helped in spreading them. As their name suggests, they are mostly found close to beds. They are attracted to and feed on warm-blooded animals to survive.

There are certain ways pests are attracted to your house, and unsanitary conditions are among the major reasons for all. Unlike other pests who are drawn by dirt, bedbugs come to even the cleanest and organized houses. There is a huge row of ways these pests can enter your door and leave for long, turning your life into a real nightmare.

In most cases, bedbugs are brought with household appliances like old furniture or clothes you might have borrowed from someone. Other places could be from the market where you bought things like a used book or photo frames. In other instances, you might have carried them from traveling in low-life countries or places, and pests hide inside your luggage or in your dirty clothes. Another dangerous fact is that your animals are clutching into neighbors houses with bedbugs and the cat or dogs sleep in your bed after.

Signs Of Bedbugs Infestation

Bedbugs are very small in size and hard to find. They only come out at night or in the dark. They often hide in seams of mattresses and box springs and long the beds and other furniture edges. It is common to find out signs of bedbugs before even seeing the pest itself. Here are Signs that suggest bedbug infestation, and these include:

  • Feces from bedbugs. They leave their jet black feces everywhere and in great quantities. In the corners of their habitat, you will come across black patches.They have sticky feces and are seen as specks stuck to the wood.
  • Stains of Blood. Remember, they feed on blood to come across blood stains on sheets accompanied by black feces.
  • Eggs and bedbugs shells. The presence of white and husk-like specks should alert you that you have unwanted visitors.
  • Bad odors. Bedbugs have a musty and unpleasant smell.
  • Waking up with itchy red spots. The presence of bites on your skin is the most noticeable sign of a bedbug infestation.
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Tips To Control Bedbugs

Bedbugs present a major problem for households. Getting rid of them is not easy, but you can take steps to control the problem.

  • Ensure that you are dealing with bedbugs: Take a closer look or use the above-listed signs to ensure they are bedbugs. Once you are sure, you can now get into the action of eradicating them.
  • Stay calm and plan how to eliminate them: These pests are dangerous, and you should not fear them. Stay calm and get a lasting solution so that you may have your life back to normal.
  • Think through a treatment option: In case you opt for a pesticide, follow label directions for safety measures. You can go for a professional to limit your contact with pesticides.
  • Declutter your house: Remove unwanted things in your house to reduce the number of hiding places. A cluttered home provides shelter and making it difficult to locate them.
  • Wash your bedding regularly: It would help if you washed your bedding periodically and dry them in direct sunlight. Direct heat can dust any bedbug that might have survived the washing.
  • Ask for help from professionals: In many cases, bedbugs may resist pesticides and continue breeding. At this stage, you have no option but to make a call to pest control professional, who can hunt for the larvae and dark hiding spots that you couldnt reach. That way, you will bid the annoying pests goodbye.

Want a Bedbug Extermination?

Pro Shield Pest Control services is a licensed pest control company with trained technicians. We offer powerful, customized bedbugs treatments that eliminate bedbugs where they live and breed. Contact us for effective and quick pest control with as little disruption as possible.